
This package defines QUBOTools.AbstractModel as an abstract type for QUBO models. V is a type for representing variables, usually an integer or string-like type. The problem's coefficients are stored under the T type, that also represents the energy values corresponding to each solution. When solution state vectors are sampled, their entries will be of the integer type U. Since values are binary, using integer types smaller than Int64 is a reasonable choice.

Reference Implementation

QUBOTools also exports the QUBOTools.Model type, designed to work as standard backend for other applications to be built atop.

Model Backend

using QUBOTools

mutable struct SuperModel{V,T,U} <: QUBOTools.AbstractModel{V,T,U}

    function SuperModel{V,T,U}() where {V,T,U}
        return new(QUBOTools.Model{V,T,U}(), true)

QUBOTools.backend(model::SuperModel) = model.model
model = SuperModel{Symbol,Float64,Int}()
QUBOTools Model
▷ Sense ………………… Min
▷ Domain ……………… BoolDomain

The model is empty.

JuMP Integration

One of the main milestones was to make JuMP / MathOptInterface integration easy. When V is set to MOI.VariableIndex and T matches Optimzer{T}, the QUBOTools backend is able to handle most of the data management workload.